News Archive

  ·  09 March 2012
Annual Meeting 2012 [09/03/2012]
The new elected members of the IHFFC for the term 2012-2016 will gather in Geneva between 2 – 4 April 2012 for the Annual Meeting of the Commission.

  ·  14 December 2011
Diplomatic Meeting of 9 December 2011, Bern - Election of the 15 members of the IHFFC - Results [14/12/2011]
At the invitation of Switzerland, the depositary state of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, the fifth diplomatic meeting to elect the members of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission was held in Bern on 9 December 2011. The 72 States Parties to the first Additional Protocol of 1977 to the Geneva Convention that have recognized the competence of the Commission were entitled to participate in this election.

62 States took part in the meeting under the chairmanship of H.E Ambassador Valentin Zellweger Director of the Directorate of International Law DIL of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA and the vice-chairmanship of H.E Ambassador Sidiki Lamine Sow, Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Mali to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva.

After the first ballot the following candidates were elected (in the alphabetical order of their state of origin):

Prof. Ghalib DJILALI, Algeria
Amb. Susana M. RUIZ CERUTTI, Argentina
Prof. Eric DAVID, Belgium
Prof. Thilo MARAUHN, Germany
Prof. Stelios PERRAKIS, Greece
Prof. Flavia LATTANZI, Italy
Prof. Shuichi FURUYA, Japan
Dr. Justinas ŽILINSKAS, Lithuania
Dr. Elzbieta MIKOS-SKUZA, Poland
Capt. Valery S. KNYAZEV, Russian Federation
Prof. Miodrag STARČEVIĆ, Serbia
Dr. Gisela PERREN-KLINGLER, Switzerland
Dr. Mohamed M. AL KAMALI United, Arab Emirates
Prof. Charles GARRAWAY, United Kingdom

For the final results containing the number of votes obtained by the elected candidates including the absolute majority and the list of participants, please click here.

The newly-formed Commission was elected for a term of office of five years and will enter into function at its first annual meeting planned to take place in the course of March 2012.


Final Results (First Ballot incl. absolute majority)
List of participants
Rencontre diplomatique du 9 décembre 2011, Berne – Election des 15 membres de la CIHEF - Résultats [14/12/2011]

Sur invitation de la Suisse, État dépositaire des Conventions de Genève et de leurs Protocoles additionnels, la cinquième réunion diplomatique consacrée à l'élection des membres de la Commission Internationale humanitaire d'établissement des faits s'est tenue à Berne le 9 décembre 2011. Les 72 États parties au premier Protocole additionnel de 1977 aux Conventions de Genève ayant accepté la compétence de la Commission, ont été invités à participer à cette élection.

62 États ont participé à la réunion sous la Présidence de S.E M. l'Ambassadeur Valentin Zellweger, Directeur de la Direction du droit international public (DDIP) du Département Fédéral des Affaires Etrangères (DFAE) et la Vice-Présidence de S.E.M. l’Ambassadeur Sidiki Lamine Sow, Représentant Permanente de la Mission permanente de la République du Mali auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies et des autres organisations internationales à Genève.

Après le premier tour de scrutin, les candidats suivants ont été élus (par ordre alphabétique de leur état de provenance):

Prof. Ghalib DJILALI Algérie
Prof. Thilo MARAUHN Allemagne
Amb. Susana M. RUIZ CERRUTI Argentine
Prof. Eric DAVID Belgique
Dr. Mohamed M. AL KAMALI Emirats Arabes Unis
Capt. Valery S. KNYAZEV Fédération de Russie
Prof. Stelios PERRAKIS Grèce
Prof. Flavia LATTANZI Italie
Prof. Shuichi FURUYA Japon
Dr. Justinas ŽILINSKAS Lituanie
Dr. Elzbieta MIKOS-SKUZA Pologne
Prof. Charles GARRAWAY Royaume-Uni
Prof. Miodrag STARČEVIĆ Serbie

Pour consulter le résultat final contenant le nombre de votes obtenus par les candidats élus incl. la majorité absolue et la liste des participants, veuillez cliquer ici.

La Commission nouvellement formée a été élue pour une période de cinq ans et prendra ses fonctions lors de sa première réunion annuelle qui devra avoir lieu dans le courant du mois de mars 2012.


Liste des participants
Liste des résultats – Premier tour de scrutin (incl. majorité absolue)

  ·  28 November 2011
Workshop organized by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ICRC, Kyoto, Japan, November 2011 [28/11/2011]
Under the title „Enhancing the legal protection of persons affected by armed conflict: Contemporary readings of the Additional Protocols in Asia", the ICRC together with the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs organised a Workshop in Kyoto, November 3 and 4, 2011.

Prof. Michael Bothe was personally invited to attend and to give a paper on "The role of the International Humanitarian Fact-finding Commission".

Please click here to find the IHFFC Statement of the President of the Commission of 4 November 2011. (only available in English)

  ·  24 November 2011
31th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent - Side Event of the IHFFC [24/11/2011]
Monday, 28 November 2011, 12h15 – 13h15

International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG), Room 18

The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission IHFFC is organizing a Side Event at the 31th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. At this occassion, the President, Prof. Michael Bothe, one of its three Vice-Presidents, Prof. Ghalib Djilali and three of its members, Prof. Charles Garraway, Dr. Gisela Perren-Klingler and Prof. Eric David will speak about Fact-finding as a Tool of Ensuring Respect for IHL and about current Concerns and Perspectives.

Please click on the text to see the programme in English (pdf)

  ·  15 November 2011
IHFFC Speaks in Security Council Open Debate on Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict [15/11/2011]
On 9 November, 2011, the Security Council held its semi-annual open debate on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict, in order to evaluate progress, steps needing to be taken, and specific situations for consideration in light of states’ commitments in S/Res/1674 (2006), S/Res/1296 (2000) and S/Res/1265 (1999), regarding the responsibility to protect civilians in particular, and at the World Summit in 2005, regarding the Responsibility to Protect generally.

Please click on the text to read the whole text and to find the pdf of the Commission’s statement to the Council.
Workshop, United Nations, New York, 1 November 2011 [15/11/2011]
Workshop on “Accountability and Fact-Finding Mechanisms for Violations of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law: the Role of the Security Council – Past and Future”

The Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the International Peace Institute organized on 1st November 2011 in New York a workshop at the occasion of the Portuguese Presidency in the Security Council.

The title of the workshop was “Accountability and Fact-Finding Mechanisms for Violations of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law: the Role of the Security Council – Past and Future”.

The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission was represented by a Vice-President Elżbieta Mikos-Skuza and the Commission’s local representative in New York Mateya Kelley.

One of the panels related to fact-finding mechanisms. Vice-President Mikos-Skuza took the floor in the discussion introducing the IHFFC and pointing out its added value in comparison with ad hoc mechanisms. There were also some informal consultations held on different problems relating to the possible mandate for the Commission, including the case of the death of Colonel M. Gadhafi.

Please click on the text to find the pdf of the statement by Vice-President Elzbieta Mikos-Skuza.

  ·  21 October 2011
New local representative to the IHFFC in New York - Ms. Mateya Kelley [21/10/2011]
We would like to introduce Ms. Mateya Kelley, who has joined the Commission as its local representative in New York.

Ms. Kelley is a J.D. candidate at New York University School of Law, where she is a
2011 International Law & Human Rights Fellow with the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice. She received her B.A. cum laude with Distinction in both American Studies and International Studies at Yale University. She has worked in a wide variety of national and international law and policy-making institutions, including two U.S. Senate offices and a U.S. Embassy, as well as a think-tank in Hong Kong and a UNHCR field office.

Ms. Kelley will support the Commission as a regular delegate to U.N. General Assembly meetings, coordinator for New York events, and in any other way she might. She looks forward to promoting the work of the Commission: If you have any questions about the Commission’s activities in New York, please oblige her by emailing her at mateya.kelley[at]
Report on the work of the IHFFC on the Occasion of its 20th Anniversary [21/10/2011]
The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC, hereinafter "the Commission"), constituted in 1991 pursuant to article 90 of Protocol I Additional of 1977 to the
Geneva Conventions of 1949, has now been in existence for twenty years. Its services,
however, have not been used to date. In this situation, the Commission feels a need to
evaluate its situation, to draw a balance sheet and to submit it to the High Contracting
Parties having recognised the competence of the Commission (hereinafter "the States

The Commission presents this report to the States Parties in order to enable them to
assess the work of the Commission. In presenting this Report, the Commission wishes to
highlight the services which it may provide as a means of ensuring the better implementation
of international humanitarian law. On the other hand, the Commission has been
aware of, and wishes to draw attention to, the particular constraints to which it is subject
in accordance with the international legal framework which forms the basis of its very
existence, and which constitutes its mandate.

  ·  16 August 2011
Elections, 9 December 2011: information Meeting on Thursday, 1 September 2011, Geneva [16/08/2011]
In view of the upcoming Diplomatic Conference of 9 December 2011 in Bern for the election of the 15 members of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission, the Swiss Permanent Mission to the UN in Geneva will organize an Information Meeting on Thursday, 1 September 2011, from 15.00 – 16:00 at the Palais des Nations, Room XXV.

The Program of the Information Meeting will be as follows:

The President of the Commission, Prof. Dr. Michael Bothe, will inform about the legal basis, competence, function, profile of the members and activities of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission;

The Secretary of the Commission, Ambassador Jürg Lindenmann, Vice-Director of the Directorate of international law at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, will provide all necessary Information in view of the elections of 9 December 2011.

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IHFFC International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission
Kochergasse 103003 BernSwitzerlandTel +41 (0)58 465 42 00